Replying to LO24956 --
Dear Mark, dear LO'ers,
Mark made a remark that brought me back to the very nucleus of this list:
What is the essential of a LO?
Mark wrote:
> What is this morning breaking dawn upon my face, shining bright (perhaps
> for one gloriously transient and endless moment), with the help of
> Andrew's provocation and Leo's beautiful response, is the possible role of
> this exchange in charting the shapes that our exchanges with each other
> need to take in order to allow enough room for us to be wholly (holy?) in
> conversation around this strange attractor called learning organisations.
Maybe the most essential characteristic of a LO is the open mind. The
triggering of permanent curiosity to newly initiated directions. And
because of the increased richness of the mind, new connections with
packages of knowledge will be formed. And thus a space of systems
thinking, feed back loops and digestion has been created.
So probably it is not so much the kind of information and knowledge that
is important, but the willingness and drive to absorb new impressions and
information particularly from areas that were untill then terra incognitas
for the individual.
I think that this was what Mark also wrote in his message: reduce the
dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.
--Leo Minnigh <>
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