Replying to LO24990 --
> Today was another day of reflection. I consulted some of the archives
>and some private correspondence with At de Lange and Andrew Campbell. And
>so I was rereading a contribution of At from nearly a year ago. It
>surprised me that this contribution generated so little reactions (only
>Thomas Struck and a reply of At).
Dear Leo,
The value of ideals lies in the experience to which they lead, so wrote
John Dewey in Art as Experience.
If it had not then been irreversibly set into that perfect position, with
that perfect response, among that perfect company, remaining in the
perfected relational space so seeded how would, could it and you and
everything else have ever come to map it again from this your perfect
ordinate distance and will it not spin again and again in your mind, and
mine and is the picture it evokes one hundredth yet finished or begun?
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