integrative systems + the bottom line on social responsibility LO24992

Date: 06/28/00

Three thought-provoking articles have just been added to the 22 Keys
Online Community. All three are written by people who've been around the
change-management block more than a few times.

As you can see from the descriptions below, these articles cover an array
of topics. But they all relate to the challenge of creating a meaningful

The full text is available on the Web at:

Or, go to
Then click on the "Guest Perspectives" link on the left.

Why Most Work Isn't Meaningful, Why Companies Can't
Attract and Retain Talented People -- and How It Can
All Change
  by Cliff Havener
Business philosopher Cliff Havener says that most
organizations drive away talent because they're
"normative" -- obsessed with achieving high efficiency,
maximizing predictability, eliminating variance, and
tamping down diversity. The alternative? An
"integrative" system in which the underlying purpose
of the organization drives everything.

Social Responsibility:
The Secret Weapon in the War for Talent
  by Bob Willard
In the war for talent, many organizations overlook a
secret weapon: their level of commitment to social and
environmental goals. In this powerful wake-up article,
management-development guru Bob Willard does the
number-crunching to show how workplaces that deeply
commit themselves to social responsibility can reduce
hiring and retention costs, improve productivity and
profit, and increase shareholder value.

Team Motivation
  by Peter Grazier
Many teams begin their work all charged up and highly
focused on the mission at hand. But all too often,
attention starts to wane, people drift, and the team
endeavor becomes an exercise in going through the
motions. Is there any way to keep teams highly
motivated over the long haul? Team veteran Peter
Grazier shares practical ideas and examples in this
article on six essential ingredients of long-term
team motivation.

Again, the full text of these articles is on the Web at:

Or, go to
Then click on "Guest Perspectives" on the left.

-- Tom Terez
Author of "22 Keys to Creating a Meaningful Workplace"


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