Systems Thinking.. or Not? LO24996

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 06/28/00

Replying to LO24992 --

Hi all

Here is the perfect example of what I was talking about on another thread
called efficiency & emergence LO24990, the moment somebody says the 3
keys, or 20 keys to something, it is an immediate sign that

1) the variables are not well connected or how they are connected (too the
so called outcome (the ultimate variable)

2) what are the sequences (are there any) to the outcome

3) no longer a systems or complexity approach because of the variables
(they generally have no idea on the nature of variables, those chosen are
normally nominal (naming) and ordinal (ranking) variables, the weakest of
all variables, we cannot get causality/effect/cause with any of these

4) Timing of variables (related to sequence)

5) How does each variable effect each other (the systems thinking
approach, reinforcing & growing loops)

6) no conception of the continuous field (or being part or separate from

7) This is a sure fire way of knowing that the logic is or/or and and/and
or LEM, identity and non-contradiction (Aristoles laws of thought and
common (comical) sense.)


[Host's Note: That was just a bit too fast for me, Gavin. You're talking
about whether a viewpoint is or is not a systems thinking viewpoint, and
that's a very good topic here.

In fairness, the web site relates to Tom Terez's book "22 Keys to Creating
a Meaningful Workplace" and not "THE 22 Keys to..."


> Three thought-provoking articles have just been added to the 22 Keys
> Online Community.
...snip by your host...

> Or, go to
> Then click on the "Guest Perspectives" link on the left.


Gavin Ritz <>

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