Replying to LO24982 --
For 'Jock' [ -"no man knows his future." Primo Levi]
Dear Lana and At and Learners
> In my mind I often picture this lovely LO-dialogue as the Cyber
>equivalent of the Comrades. Lana, you are a Comrade. Everyone who keeps
>on being listed to this LO-dialogue is a Comrade. Everyone who makes a
>comeback to the list is a Comrade.
Yesterday I saw, once again;-) my old friend 'Diogenes' asleep on the
pavement, fast asleep just like a little child with his friend or
companion sleeping on the bench at the bus stop. Mmmm. About a month ago I
saw him in a small park abridged to a main road, he was being taken hand
in daisy chain hand away by his companion, perhaps to answer a 'call of
nature' with some little remaining dignity lent him via more sober
companionship. When I got home from that 'shared vision' I wrote a
powerful piece of self learning - too powerful to share here, Mmmm. My old
friend is going blind methinks, so much spirit in him he is going blind.
Mmmm. Being gathered up; you would not believe the white curliness of his
beard. Nor the glint in a darkening eye. When at sixteen years I proceeded
in all due innocence to work for the department of employment (sic) called
by the 'clients' (sic) the 'dole' I was confused as to which side of the
'counter' the action was taking place, being convinced nothing happened
over it, except the occasional attempted 'thump' day 'Jock 'walked
in, seventeen stone of Glaswegian (someone from Glasgow) tattooed all over
and with the Lion of Scotland emblazoned on his left temple. A terrifying
sight, unless of course you don't happen to see him so much as 'other' but
as 'also-self' by another name and set of complex attending variances.
Well, Lana that was over thirty years ago. My career was short with that
department of governmental care (sic) they sacked me for two reasons; one
was for not studying properly for the qualifications they were extending
me and second, for taking Jock to the 'company' (sic) canteen for free
lunches;-) Mmmm. Well, I passed the exams in short time with A grades, but
alas the results for 'Jock' I cannot tell you. Maybe his is a professor of
social policy at Cambridge University, but my A grades (sociology) tell me
he is probably now like my little Diogenes, or long gone into a greater
more encompassing whole. That's it, where the lion lays down with the
lamb. Love, Andrew
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