Replying to LO24990 -- Which replied to At's msg LO22426
Hello Leo and other free spirits,
Judy was kind enough to attract my attention - cleverly first suggesting
to take time off - to your e-mail regarding a recent mail of At the Lange
(LO22426) on efficiency and emergence. I skipped the mail on the first
time - not enough free energy left to read all At's mails - , i read it
just now and i may say it works, he fits it, it suits me, it holds water.
I could add that i studied BioPhysics, long ago, just because i was
fascinated by the borderline between biology, chemistry, evolutionary
processes and physics and also because photosynthesis, the main area of
concern at Leiden University (capturing the free energy from the sun to
store it in digestable form) seemed to be a cornerstone of life as we know
it. And i entered biophysics through physics, because that seemd the
easiest way. I also told on this list the story of the professor being
asked the question: "what is the efficiency of photosynthesis?" to which
he anwered: "How do you mean? In spring or in autumn?" That's why i'm not
very cool about efficiency.
To make a long story short: At's contribution is clear, concise, accurate
and general enough. There are some others sources for stories on the same
theme - liveness, wholeness, sureness, fruitfulness, spareness, otherness
and openness or compassion, love, wisdom, justice, clarity, sacrifice,
action and beauty - from all over the world. So i'm pretty confident that
the paradigm shift will emerge. In fact, i suppose that, like all paradigm
shifts, we're looking it right in the face, we're facing it and we're
unable to avoid it. Like a classical tragedy: it has been foretold, it is
our destiny, it will happen and all we do to avoid it, brings it closer:
the road we're building while travelling - is self-referential and
(therefore) fractal.
One word about a paradigm shift: the old paradigm will remain. So besides
the one-to-many, the one-to-two and the one-to-one mapping will remain,
will be used and will be taught. Just like classical mechanics is still
taught. That i think is the main problem with a paradigm shift: the old is
not "wrong" or "untrue". There is just a bigger world. Sometimes a
paradigm shift is like telling ants walking on a Moebius band that the
band actually exists in a three dimensional space. The do not "see" an
exit*, so will keep on walking.
Your e-mail showed me something else: you've been at the demonstration of
our way to conduct a meeting using computers and coloured hexagons,
labelled mind@work. Perhaps using the computer "liberates" free energy
from people, because they do not have to "spill" energy in maintaining a
mulititude of social relations. Also they are able to focus their
attention to their own ideas, theit own thinking, seeing it refected in
the ideas from others. After this brainstorm, they have even more free
energy available - perhaps paradoxically - because they cleared their
minds, they released the tension of the ideas wanting to get out. As i
told you, we do not have a break between the first clustering processes
and the brainstorm, just because the energy seemed to drain from the group
when we did. People can then use these energies to interact with each
others, perhaps even need this kind of interaction to construct - or
better let emerge - the, what i call "Gestalt" or "whole" of the issue
they're concerned with. From experience i can tell that usually the
resolutions are clear, fundamentally sound, creative and inspired.
However the implementation of the actions to reach the goals from the
resolutions falls short because somebody else, most often their boss, the
manager or director, only partly participating in the process - mostly
because they assume that is more efficient - blocks the process. Perhaps
we've learned that it is more efficient to use our free energy to block
changes than to promote or release them. This makes sense because that way
we can have our apple without having to eat it. Wonder why i wrote apple.
Kind regards,
Jan Lelie
Leo Minnigh wrote:
> Today was another day of reflection. I consulted some of the archives and
> some private correspondence with At de Lange and Andrew Campbell. And so I
> was rereading a contribution of At from nearly a year ago. It surprised me
> that this contribution generated so little reactions (only Thomas Struck
> and a reply of At).
> "Efficiency and emergence" is maybe the most important contribution on
> this list. It contains most of the clues for the subjects we are dealing
> with.
> Please, consult the LO archives.
> I wonder why there were so little reactions.
> [Host's Note: The msg LO22426 is at
> ...Rick]
-- Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan) LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development mind@work - est. 1998 - Group Decision Process Support Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 - mindatwork@taoNet.nlLearning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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