Knowledge communities LO25002

From: Grey, Denham C. (
Date: 06/29/00

Replying to LO24827 --

So you have indentified communities of practice or started your knowledge
communities or you may be about to form micro-communities within your

What practices will you find or encourage to help with knowledge creation,
relationships and learning??

Crafting distinctions and bringing forth new worlds?

Encouraging and asking quality questions?

Evaluating opinions, knowledge claims and mental models?

Holding pattern writers workshops and building a pattern language to gain
alignment, share meaning and speed communication?

Developing a joint ontology to gain alignment and leverage search &

Holding group inquiry and reflection to surface hidden assumptions &

Building and sharing social networks along which knowledge can flow?

Practicing creative abrasion and deep dialog to strengthen your identity
and articulate your tacit knowledge

Participating in a supportive community, searching for gaps and seeking
continuous learning through mentoring and selective events hosted by
thought leaders?

Engaging in eLearning, to gain more knowledge from cohorts and availing
yourself of excellent cyber coaching?

Annealing a communal 'journal' to capture group memory and articulate &
store information in reified (digital) artifacts?

Have been collecting my thoughts on knowledge and learning in Wiki and
would sure appreciate it if you would stop by and share your POV.

Distance learning principles:

Thoughts on knowledge


"Ideas are the currency of the knowledge age -
invest wisely!"


"Grey, Denham C." <>

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