Virtual Learning Organizations LO25003

From: Blake Norby (
Date: 06/29/00

I'm fairly new to this site but have learned a lot from your discussions.
I have a question: What resources are available to help create/develop a
learning organization with a large number of people all over the US? I
have read information on LO's in the company (ie: in one building or
buildings within close proximity), and I've read on virtual
offices/teams...but I'm looking for something a little different I

My situation: we have retail offices all around the US, and we are
starting (finally) to incorporate computers and technology. We have
office staff (each office has at least 2 people) that have never talked to
other offices and we have an oppurtunity to establish a virtual learning
organization. We have just initiated an intranet that is under-used.

As I've analyzed the needs towards performance improvement, I see a great
oppurtunity to create a foundation of a LO, not just the old training

Any resources or direction would be appreciated. Thanks!


[Host's Note: Welcome, Blake! ..Rick]


"Blake Norby" <>

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