Replying to LO25003 --
"Blake Norby" <> wrote:
> I'm fairly new to this site but have learned a lot from your discussions.
> I have a question: What resources are available to help create/develop a
> learning organization with a large number of people all over the US? I
> have read information on LO's in the company (ie: in one building or
> buildings within close proximity), and I've read on virtual
> offices/teams...but I'm looking for something a little different I
> believe.
What you may want is someone who can combine organizational development
skills, an understanding of LO's, and online facilitation skills.
You'd want the OD skills to get an independent assessment of your current
situation and to understand how to help the group move in a new, improved
direction. You'd want the LO understanding because that's the direction
you want to be heading.
You'd want the online skills to involve people in distributed groups
effectively. I've put part of my take on this in
If you have a person who combines those skills (or a combination of people
who combine them in some way), I believe you can make good progress
towards such a goal.
-- Bill Harris 3217 102nd Place SE Facilitated Systems Everett, WA 98208 USA phone: +1 425 337-5541Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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