Replying to LO24990 and LO22426
Thank you Leo, for bringing it back from the archives. Thank you At for
writing it.
I agree with you Leo, it is one of those important contributions that is
to be read and re-read due to it's generic nature. It is dealing with the
core issue of this list, and every lesson learned is an instance of this
model or metaphor.
Yes, but ...
(to me it feels most beautiful - the fact that there's will always be a
"but ...")
big BUT, this time, i think ...
A metaphor is a metaphor is a metaphor.
It can take a lifetime to give meaning to the concept of "entropy" for
example, in the form it comes into realization in our personal experience.
It demands hard work and pedant attention to details (in all scales) to
achieve such insights - it requires dedication, to bring this kind of
theory into practice. How many stories exist, like At's personal story, to
fit so nicely into this model? Very few, very precious.
Precious, because these are the unwritten* stories, told and re-told at
the fire side, to give a continuous meaning to the members of the tribe.
The stories that in ancient times were "told by mouth" - later to became
the stories "learned by heart" and now, they are efficiently spread on the
wings of the electronic mail - written "unwritten stories". These stories
always tend to come back, always leaving us with a taste of MORE ...
Best wishes,
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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