Personal growth LO25084

Date: 07/20/00

Replying to LO25079 --


This is a wonderful question and not arrogant at all. I believe that many
of us in this field find ourselves quickly outgrowing our organizations.
Primarily, we recognize that lifelong, voracious learning is what helps us
stay on the cutting edge. To stop for even a moment makes us feel we are
falling way behind. However, it also creates a challenge we must be aware
of. Things may seem to crystal clear to us and clear as mud to our
clients. We must often stop and remind ourselves that had we not been
studying this field for so long, we too might be seeing mud. I'll quickly
answer you're questions:

> * What would you recommend when you experience that your personal growth
> rate exceeds that of the company employing you?

A criteria for me has always been, "Am I continuing to learn in this
organization or have most of my learning opportunities dried up or already
been accomplished. When learning stops, it's truly time to move on.
Also, are your internal clients still seeking your help or do they not
understand where you're trying to go.

> * What to do if this is a pattern you experience regularly (every 2 - 3
> years after a job change)?

A lot has to do with our personality preferences. Some people thrive on
the structure and comfort of jobs they know well and therefore, don't
become easily bored. Others (I'm one) become bored very quickly. You too
may be like that. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with seeking a new
challenge every 2-3 years. It also provides great, new learning

> * What to do if you have invested as much in the company as you could
> (strategically, as well as in terms of transfer of knowledge)?

Time to move on. there another position in the organization where
you can apply your talents while learning new ones. Another
option...create a job that works for you and submit a proposal to create
the position. Sounds far fetched but that's exactly what a lot of us have
done and believe it or not, it works sometimes.

> * Is changing jobs an option? If yes, where to? If not, what else?
>Changing jobs is ALWAYS an option. Staying is sometimes stagnating.

> * Have other LO members made similar experiences?

Many times throughout my career. I am now self-employed as an OD
consultant and it's been quite a change and a wonderful learning
opportunity. But...I know the day will come when that too becomes routine
and then I'll continue exploring other directions. Much luck to you. I
hope you get some good responses.

Nancy Probst


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