Replying to LO25156 --
Shalom John, and shalom to All,
Your short and to-the-point remark:
>when you are sitting, just sit
opened my eyes to see that I was "just in the middle" (already ON the
path) of para-noing when I picked up At's terminology. I just gave a name
(which I borrowed with your permission At) to what I was already doing for
a while.
>The Zen notion of 'being-there' is somewhat anti-entropic, if we believe
>in entropy, and can lead to enlightenment, even if we believe in entropy.
To me it is NOwhat anti-entropic, this Zen notion - "being-there" can lead
to awareness ... the awareness of "being-there" - it actually DOES ;-)
With regards,
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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