para-noing LO25193

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 08/23/00

Replying to LO25165 --

Dear Judy wrote:

> Shalom John, and shalom to All,

and to you too

> opened my eyes to see that I was "just in the middle" (already ON the
> path) of para-noing when I picked up At's terminology. I just gave a name
> (which I borrowed with your permission At) to what I was already doing for
> a while.

and just before opening these messages on the LO-list i was writing down:
metadigm and paraoia (concatinating metanoia with paradigm). Wonder what
the name says.

> >The Zen notion of 'being-there' is somewhat anti-entropic, if we believe
> >in entropy, and can lead to enlightenment, even if we believe in entropy.

and at this moment the Dutch television broadcasts Peter Seller's briljant
Being There, so being there is being there. Isn't that a nice metadox?

Mazzel tov,

Jan Lelie

Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan)
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