para-noing LO25217

From: John Zavacki (
Date: 08/27/00

Replying to LO25193 --

Jan writes,

> and at this moment the Dutch television broadcasts Peter
> Seller's briljant
> Being There, so being there is being there. Isn't that a nice
> metadox?

Thank you, Jan (my Christian name, also, on my birth certificate) for
reminding me that it was one of my Polish brothers who changed my notion
of Seind, Dasein, and Seinde, to simply Being There. And for perceiving
that it is perception more than knowledge that shapes our responses and
wisdom that allows us to reflect on them and change them.

John F. Zavacki <> <>

  "People are entitled to joy in their work and a sense of ownership."
W. Edwards Deming


"John Zavacki" <>

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