Non-linear thinking LO25218

From: Rob Clarke (
Date: 08/27/00

Replying to LO25198 --

responding to LO25198:

a good example of a whole raft of graphic organisers can be found at:


Rob Clarke
Christchurch ICT Cluster Tel: +64 3 351 9788
Fendalton School Mob: +64 021 888 120
168 Clyde Road Fax:+64 3 351 0786
Fendalton ICQ: 42529345
New Zealand

  I believe half the unhappiness in life comes from
  people being afraid to go straight at things.
   -William J. Locke

> Graphic tools are one of the best ways ever of accommodating non-linear
> thinkers in organizations. In fact, the World Wide Web itself is a
> natural for associative thinkers.


Rob Clarke <>

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