para-noing LO25268

From: KiWiDressler (
Date: 08/31/00

Replying to LO25156 --

Dear John,

"Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits."
(pinned at the door of our toilet when I was a child)

Zen seems to have a deep understanding of intrinsic creation time.
What a powerful entropic force is created by the Koan like command:
> when you are sitting, just sit

But then you continue:
> The Zen notion of 'being-there' is somewhat anti-entropic, if we believe
> in entropy, and can lead to enlightenment, even if we believe in entropy.

This sentence frustrates me, because I have failed to translate it
formally into the structure of the boolean diamond. Yet the message seems
so simple: Entropy is irrelevant to Zen and connecting the two is an act
of para-noing. Entropy could be replaced by e.g. Gravitation.

What remains is the sentence: The Zen notion of 'being-there' can lead to
Or more formally ( being ---(becoming)---> being ):

The Zen notion of 'being-there' ---(can lead to, i.e. contingent
becoming)---> enlightenment.

What about the contingencies you kept silent about? Is it the ability to
just sit when you are sitting? If so, my understanding is somewhat

Not yet enlightened candidate ---(creating in short cycle times, only
intrinsic creation time needed, according to Zen practice including
sitting)---> 'Zen notion of 'being-there''EQUIV'enlightenment'.

> "People are entitled to joy in their work and a sense of ownership."
> W. Edwards Deming

when you are working, just work

Liebe Gruesse,


-- (KiWiDressler)

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