para-noing LO25172

From: Winfried Dressler (
Date: 08/21/00

Replying to LO25148 --

I was thinking of pMEETq as the whole diamond (boolean diamond for a
special case of p, q) with each lattice point specifying a possible form
of meeting. I have had some fun in thinking through the diamond with the
use of the walking stick pMARRYq.

It's good to be back, I've missed the thinking. Apropos thinking...

>>And I am thinking,
>>Andrew Campbell
>Me too ...
>Judy Tal

Thinking seems to start to make funny noises. May be a workshop should
take care of them - and they should not only check the evident points!

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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