Dear Learners,
A charming Bedouin maxim (to be re-mentioned in the "middle" of a
desert-track) says: "The path knows more than the wonderer who treads on
I'd like to share a small&simple observation: A few month ago, while this
list was in the "middle" of storming about personal preferences (in the
LO-list context), Rick, you came up with a request to each of us - to
please DO, what we were actually doing.
And I wonder ... could this reflection cause the emergence of a new
connector (absent in the Boolean model) - the connector pMEETq (for more
than 20 years i was using the "p,q" notation without noticing that p and q
reflect each other vertically - but then I was just ortho-noing!) .
Shalom Shalom to All,
by choosing to follow At's terminology, i wrote "para-noia" to express my
intentions to write outside the norm. i'm responding to a sense of
dissatisfaction with the "norm".
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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