Via Dolorosa LO25147

From: Judy Tal (
Date: 08/13/00

Replying to several contributions.

Dear Learners,

Last Thursday I was fortunate enough to be invited to a half day tour in
the "City between the Walls" of Jerusalem. We walked part of the via
Dolorosa, and stopped at three out of eight accessible (out of fourteen
existing) Stations of the Cross.

One of our stops occurred at the 8th Station where Jesus said: "Do not cry
for me, cry rather for yourselves and your children" - which brought to my
mind At's enlightening meta-phore and visualization of the "weeping
diamond" in LO25063. Jesus probably meant, among other things, that we
should learn for ourselves and our children and NOT for NOR instead of
anybody else.

This applies also to the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus - as the
axiom scheme:
is replaced by:

Like many mathematicians, I would not easily convert to IPC
(Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus) since by obeying this structure,
paradoxes become meaningless and mathematics becomes AROMAless (by absence
of self-reference). However, I do accept and respect IPC as complementary
to disciplinary thinking and I strongly support frequent use of Intuition.
Transdisciplinary thinking, IMHO, has an important role in our ability to
communicate (create Dialog), as IMHE (experience), elementary knowledge in
Organic Chemistry provided me so much joy in reading At's and Winfried's
recent contributions on the metanoia topic.

And ... and ... and ... I assume that when nicely embedded in a higher
dimensions than 2 (i guess that 3 will suffice) - the Boolean Diamond is
just flowing, not weeping - but for this I'll need another sunny day, some
paper and a pair of scissors.

Peace to all, Shalom,

mentioning a third participant's name in public dialog, rather than
turning to him directly feels to me impolite, even rude.

Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294


Judy Tal <>

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