Paternalism LO25173

From: Eugene Taurman (
Date: 08/21/00

Replying to LO25159 --

John Dicus

You missed the greatest evil in the patron system.

It creates dependence. The followers look to the patron for everything and
come to believe that the way for me to better my life is for the patron to
give it them. It creates dependence and suck up system that has nothing to
do with making the system or work better.

The difference between, believing that by working hard I can make a
difference fro my self or Believing I am dependent on someone else for
betterment. That simple difference in belief or vision of life makes the
difference between an achiever and a one who waits. The difference between
a great organization and a so-so organization.

Eugene Taurman


"Eugene Taurman" <>

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