Greetings all,
Last October in an attempt to help newcomers to become familiar with
Learning Organizations, we posted a couple of indexes:
Index of Links to Learning Organization Websites and
Index of Links to Knowledge Management Websites
They were appendices to an article "Two Effective Ideas for Continuous
Learning" on a list which I moderate in another life. The article
provides brief introductory remarks about each, and is on-line at:
Since that time, we have augmented both pages with substantial additions,
and have added two more indexes:
Index of Links to E-Learning Websites and
Index of Links to Self-directed Learning Resources
All of these indexes are adaptations of similar items posted on the
internal intranet here at Alberta Learning. I am again posting them here
partly to offer these indexes to those of you for whom they might be
helpful, and partly to invite you to send any suggested improvements that
ought to be made.
All 4 indexes have more or less of a policy or management flavor (as
opposed to an operational or implementation flavor, though they include
references to the latter); and all have somewhat of a government (or at
least non-commercial) bias.
Suggestions are welcome. Please send them to me directly. If significant
changes are made, I will re-post revised editions in due course.
Thanks for your attention (and any help). Have a great day.
- Chet.
Chet Meek E-mail:
Strategic Information Planning, Voice: 780+427-0339
Information & Technology Management Branch, Fax: 780+427-3201
Alberta Ministry of Learning:
[Host's Note: Thanks, Chet, for sharing this announcement with us. Anyone
else with favorite Org Learning web sites, please let us know! ..Rick]
--Chet Meek <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.