Replying to LO25155 --
Dear Rick, excuse me for causing you extra work by my negligence.
This time it occurred in LO25155, second paragraph, fourth row: I wrote
"prime" instead of "odd". It should have been:
"For example the statement "the product of two odd numbers is odd" has
truth value "T" in Number Theory (can't write NT - it is already
occupied), while the statement "the sum of two odd numbers is odd" has
truth value "F". What about the proposition "there are only finitely many
perfect numbers"?..."
Please change this in the archive to spare interested innocent people
breaking their heads about this "new" mathematics.
[Host's Note: I'll change it in the archive, and I'm distributing it to
readers who may be wondering.. ..Rick]
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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