Evident Points, Hidden Points LO25176

From: Judy Tal (judyt@netvision.net.il)
Date: 08/19/00

Replying to LO25157 --

Shalom Gevin and LOers,

Gevin, you wrote:
>I would like to share with you, your truth is anything you believe or
>choose it to be.

Thank you. I would like to do the same, but first I'd like to clarify what
is it that we're talking about:

Looking, for example, at the following:

>There are whole societies out there that believe they are embodiments of
>their dead ancestors is this the truth

This statement is True due to my experience - indeed many are believing so
(I know some personally). I can't say wether their belief is true or not -
I do not know if they are embodiments of their dead ancestors.

>There are whole societies out there that believe democracy is evil ... is
>this true

Same here. It is true that many (too many, IMHO) find evil in what they
call "democracy" (we are not going into precise definition of this term,
are we?).

Most of the examples in your list are dealing with various Theories, some
of which I didn't meet yet. But, this is different:

>Are facts the truth

Yes, facts are parts of TRUTH - instances that have become already. And I
strongly agree with you that the facts visible to us depend on us. (hi Jan,
you would say "you see what you want to see". I see that you rejoined the
list ;-)).

Now Gevin, you also mentioned mathematics:

>Is mathematics the truth

Definitely. This is so only because of the nature of mathematics - no big
deal: mathematical theories are NOT dealing with our Reality.
Mathematicians invent their own (abstract and formal) reality - it has
much to do with our Reality in practice, but little to do with the TRUTH
that is be-coming by our deeds. Mathematics is be-coming too.

A few more words about "facts" and Turing's Machine:
WHAT is this machine actually doing? It receives "facts" and "rules of
inference" and "works out" new "facts" - conclusions. Turing's Machine does
NOT question the validity of it's input. You can count on it's preciseness
(a machine, after all) - it will provide you with accurate conclusions
derived from what you fed it with - It shows what you want to see.
So ... WHAT is it good for?

>In my opinion, Truth with the capital T is hardly the truth, if you truly
>believe what you believe is the truth that is fine but if you believe that
>it is the Truth then this is hardly empowering in any sense except in some
>truth or other that this is thesense of false security. By which we all
>are bonded and in bondage.

I believe in the existence of TRUTH (many capitals) - I also believe that
capturing TRUTH is beyond my capabilities. And I'm delighted to read, in
your following words that we agree on this ...:

>There are more things between heaven and earth then all the beings could
>imagine in perpetuity. Let alone those which some purport about some
>spiritual truth. ( I might as well take Rudolph Steiner as my god)
>Truly, if you find the Buddha on the road kill him.

Pleeeease, spare me this one ;-))

Shalom shalom,

Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294


Judy Tal <judyt@netvision.net.il>

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