Dear All,
A few years ago, i wanted to visualize the following scene:
Take a plane, add a grid. Now, take three equal magnet-balls and paint them
Red, Blue, Yellow - they are NOT equal anymore ;-)).
Fix the magnet balls, gently, on the plane so that they are in equal
distance from each other, and thus, form the three vertices of an
Now, take a fourth magnet ball (you can paint it Green, if you want) and
put it on any square in the plane. Now leave the magnet ... gently ;-)).
Once you release the Green magnet-ball it is activated by the fixed
magnets and moves from it's position to a new place on the plane. It will
DO this change of position along a path. Paint the square of this path's
origin with one of the three colors, according to the color of the magnet
at the end of the path (YES, it always stops at one of the three
magnets ;-)).
I assume, nobody will actually do all this - but i hope everybody can
imagine the scenario (i frequently used the word NOW, to describe motion).
This process is NOW repeated for all the squares on the grid.
And with this colorful plane this scene comes to an END.
I needed, and still need this visualization for one of my lectures. I want
to demonstrate the relevance of Chaos Theory to our current DSS (Decision
Support Systems).
There exists a video-clip that visualizes all this and much more - It is a
Machine-Made visualization and even if very precise, still i'm not
satisfied with the hidden-messages (i mean those "facts" that make even the
nearest analogy different).
Can any Artist* help me with this?
As a matter of fact, the video-clip is beautiful, it can be found in the TV
interview with B. Mandelbrot.
Artist* means any creator of art
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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