Evident Points, Hidden Points LO25157

From: Gavin Ritz (garritz@xtra.co.nz)
Date: 08/17/00

Replying to LO25155 --

Dear Judy & org learners

When I read articles like this I am compelled to answer them. I would like
to share with you, your truth is anything you believe or choose it to be.

There are whole societies out there that believe they are embodiments of
their dead ancestors is this the truth

There are whole societies out there that believe democracy is evil

There are whole societies out there that believe in ploggly men, goblins
and devils, is this the truth

Is living systems theory the truth
Is object relations the truth
Is ego psychology the truth
Is Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam the truth
Is Viable systems theory the truth
Is tensegrity structures the underlying structures of all living things the
Is Energy cybernetics the truth
Is Soft systems the truth
Is Gestalt therapy the truth
Is BA Brennan spiritual theories the truth
Is the seven essentialities the truth
Is my combined tension motivational theory the truth
Is stratified system theory the truth
Is holographic theory the truth
Is Chakras the truth to human understanding
Are facts the truth
Is mathematics the truth

I think the above makes my point about truth.

In my opinion, Truth with the capital T is hardly the truth, if you truly
believe what you believe is the truth that is fine but if you believe that
it is the Truth then this is hardly empowering in any sense except in some
truth or other that this is the sense of false security. By which we all
are bonded and in bondage.

There are more things between heaven and earth then all the beings could
imagine in perpetuity. Let alone those which some purport about some
spiritual truth. ( I might as well take Rudolph Steiner as my god)

Truly, if you find the Buddha on the road kill him.



Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>

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