Evident Points, Hidden Points LO25266

From: KiWiDressler (KiWiDressler@t-online.de)
Date: 08/31/00

Replying to LO25157 --

Hi Gavin,

When I read statements like this I am compelled to answer them:

>your truth is anything you believe or choose it to be.

Let's assume this is true. Then I am free not to choose it, making it
false. If I am not free not to choose it, it is false from the beginning.
In order to have any meaning, your proposition requires to be it's own

As a good democrat who believes that laws have to apply to those who
create the laws, such inconsistency is unacceptable for me. Nor:

>Truly, if you find the Buddha on the road kill him.

"There with open mouth
watching blossoms floating down
this child is Buddha!"
(Haiku by Otani Kubutsu, my translation)

Liebe Gruesse,



KiWiDressler@t-online.de (KiWiDressler)

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