Replying to LO25157 --
Hi Gavin,
When I read statements like this I am compelled to answer them:
>your truth is anything you believe or choose it to be.
Let's assume this is true. Then I am free not to choose it, making it
false. If I am not free not to choose it, it is false from the beginning.
In order to have any meaning, your proposition requires to be it's own
As a good democrat who believes that laws have to apply to those who
create the laws, such inconsistency is unacceptable for me. Nor:
>Truly, if you find the Buddha on the road kill him.
"There with open mouth
watching blossoms floating down
this child is Buddha!"
(Haiku by Otani Kubutsu, my translation)
Liebe Gruesse,
Winfried (KiWiDressler)
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