Replying to LO25254 --
>Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas the types of outcomes I would
>recommend to use in evaluating on training program and which evaluation
>design I would use?
The simple answer is "it depends" - upon the type of the training, who it
is offered to, what it is supposed to accomplish, resources and time
available, etc. A range of potential evaluation designs are possible, and
may or may not be appropriate.
Having said this, it is important to look at what has happened as a
*result* of the training. E.g. were participants able to apply what they
learned, in what ways, what were the supporting/inhibiting factors, etc.
Application of training almost always involves an interaction of: what
took place at the training; the attitudes/motivations of the participant;
and the attitude/support of the organisation, in particular the
participant's supervisor. Too many training evaluations only look at the
first factor, neglecting the all-important context. Stay away from the
ubiquitous "happy sheet" evaluation, asking participations to fill out an
"evaluation" questionnaire at the end of the training event. In general,
I like to do evaluations some time after the event, which provides for a
more balanced perspective, and makes it possible to identify
organisational and other factors that can support or not the transfer of
I hope that this helps,
Burt Perrin
Burt Perrin
La Masque
30770 Vissec
Tél/Fax +33 (0) (fax by arrangement)
--Burt Perrin <>
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