Replying to LO25157 --
you've captured much of my "feeling" on this point in your response. I
watched a movie I saw several years ago...that brings this
out quite well. It's titled, "The Gods Must Be Crazy." It offers a
humorous and thoughtful look at us (humanity) through the eyes of a
Bushman, "modern" native Africans, and Europeans. The "Truth" is
captured in the title.
"The salvation of the world lies in the human heart." -Vaclav Havel
Richard Charles Holloway -
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 USA Telephone 253.539.4014 or 206.568.7730
Thresholds <>
Meeting Masters <>
>" In my opinion, Truth with the capital T is hardly the truth, if you truly
> believe what you believe is the truth that is fine but if you believe that
> it is the Truth then this is hardly empowering in any sense except in some
> truth or other that this is the sense of false security. By which we all
> are bonded and in bondage. "
--"Richard C. Holloway" <>
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