Evident Points, Hidden Points LO25162

From: John Zavacki (jzavacki@greenapple.com)
Date: 08/18/00

Replying to LO25158 --

There is a finite (but perceptually infinite) number of ways of saying the
same thing, although no two sentences are exactly alike.

John F. Zavacki
jzavacki@greenapple.com <mailto:jzavacki@greenapple.com>
systhinc@msn.com <mailto:systhinc@msn.com>

  "People are entitled to joy in their work and a sense of ownership."
W. Edwards Deming

>I have seldom read a sentence like the last one in the quote which, every
>time I read it, send shivers down my body. Thank you for saying so much
>in so few words. It reflects your wisdom.
>Is it not queer that when I say "It reflects your wisdom" that actually I
>am using some of my own thoughts to connect to what you have written? The
>proposition "I connect with some of my own thoughts to the wisdom
>signified in what Judy has written" is true for me. In other words, it is
>a fact for me.

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