Replying to LO25158 --
Shalom At, Shalom LOers,
At, you wrote:
> I have seldom read a sentence like the last one in the quote which, every
> time I read it, send shivers down my body. Thank you for saying so much
> in so few words. It reflects your wisdom.
Well, the words I wrote were just an echo to many other people's words. Not
only words but various other forms of creative expressions: stories,
visions, associations, pictures ...
All these were present at the moment when the words started flowing through
my fingers to the keyboard. It takes a lifetime to say something. Isn't it so?
When I re-read the words (thanks to you) it was very evident for me that
these could be the words of many others in this list. Actually I could
hear/see/read them saying it. So let me quote it again in the name of all
the LOers that contributed to it....
"We reveal TRUTH by our deeds -
and NATURE provides us with feedbacks, one at a time." LOers.
(this, being the third quote, will make the statement True - if you take
Lewis Carroll's words)
Do not fail to read modesty, or any cunning motive - I was flattered by
your compliment At, and I hope to use the memory of this feeling to
encourage me in the future.
I have some insights from the rest of this mail, about lurking learners,
witty learners, analytic learners and indignant learners, but will wait
with them, for a while ... till then, a small quote:
"Every behavior is useful in some context" NLP, or by Rochefoucauld:
"There are no circumstances, however unfortunate, that clever people do not
extract some advantage from; and none, however fortunate, that the
imprudent cannot turn to their own prejudice".
learning with care,
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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