Evident Points, Hidden Points LO25180

From: Gavin Ritz (garritz@xtra.co.nz)
Date: 08/23/00

Replying to LO25164 --

> Dear At and org learners
> >We reveal TRUTH by our deeds - and NATURE
> >provides us with feedbacks, one at a time.

This is truly non-sense nature knows no truth it is what it is and does
what it does, this is neither truth or non-truth.

> This is my second response to your jewel of a sentence.

It is a jewel in the sense that it invokes feelings and for what purpose
and meaning?

> I want to share the following with you on its own and not in my previous
> response.
> Long, long ago some people, known for their unending
> wandering, had a poem with somewhat the following in it:
> All plants will die.
> All animals will die.
> All humans will die
> But all glorious DEEDS live forever.
> Long live the TRUTH.

This is an excellent example of motives which I shall share with you how
this works.

There is tension between life and death and on many levels of abstraction
we symbolize this to give us meaning and purpose which gives us our values
and ultimately culture.

This form of writing makes us act or think and behave in particular ways
because of feelings or emotions, and feelings are really only evoked by
desire (need) and fear or these in tension.

One can play with them at will, I can change fear into desire by using any
of the resources (seeing, smell, touch, sound, taste) I have, mental or

here is the trick (or the illusion of this meaning of the above poem)

all glorious deeds (the entitlement need-the needs and desire for attention
and prestige and the struggle for recognition and achievements and the hope
that we and our deeds will be remembered)
the fear is death but another level it is the fear of no identity
worthlessness and failure.

(Long live) is the desire of harmony and perfection, the desire for
succession and the need to assert ones identity into perpetuity the fear
is death and the fear of depletion and extinction and of contraction, and
degradation (we all fear our ailing bodies)

If one is honest with one self this is an easy feeling (fear) to recognise, it
hits us in the solar plexus.
Elation or desire is also easy to recognise we feel powerful, tall and huge,
prestigious, and it makes our body tingle it is the creation doing its thing
through our bodies. This is the expression of life itself.

This is hardly the truth it is the creation doing its thing.

But to swim between the banks of desire and fear is hardly the TRUTH. It
is only true in the sense in that's what it does we feel desire or hope
and we feel fear.

It is the algedonic signal-the fact is that's what it is a signal (yes it
does have its complexity), no more no less and easily identifiable in
organizations and people.

[Host's Note: "algedonic"?? ..Rick]

It is a state and yes I am an estate manager I manage my emotions.

Everybody at some level knows this but the pain to recognise this is
sometimes too strong to overcome. I know it is a daily struggle.

This poem is more an expression of this human motive than the basic level
of symbolism that it shares.

The moment one has this internal recognition, then these type of poems
will not invoke feelings that just come and go at the will of those around
us or those that want to play with our emotive buttons.

Real freedom comes with acknowledging that this is a human condition but
also having the power to shift this at will.

The human body is a protein machine which must be used by us not the other
way around.

This is mankind's greatest weakness allowing our emotions to rule us and
make believe this is Truth, it is far from the truth.

We are in a constant flux between life and death but to think that this is
the truth is hardly empowering.

This is the folly of mankind.

It is our greatest weakness yet it gave us industrial effort, such a



Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>

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