Replying to LO25161 --
Hi Richard
Yip that's the picture, I have just commented on another thread about this
whole issue of truth, more non-sense has been written about this than
anything else on this planet, whole libraries are filled with the
so-called truth just waiting to catch us in our folly.
That movie was made in my country of birth and really does highlight our
nonsensical reasoning capabilities yes very humorous. When we mix our
cognition and motives we have a fiery combination.
and as I have said before the TRUTH is anything we deem it to be.
Only the spiritual buffs are seeking the ultimate truth whatever that
might be.
Here's a nice story, many years ago in a very bright and clever land lived
people who wanted the answers, the TRUTH. A very confusing thing was
happening at night when everyone slept all the pencils in the city got
sharpened and the shavings were left in the garbage bin. This frightened
the clever people so they called on the great council of elders to summon
the wise men to solve this perplexing problem that plagued the good people
of clever land.
Anyway to cut a long short short, the wise men all come back with their
theory. Ploggly men who lived beneath the ground during day time, arose
at night went to all the houses sharpened all the pencils and dumped the
shavings in the bins but by the time the clever people arouse from their
slumber the ploggly men were all underground doing whatever they do.
the moral of the story, the clever citizens now feel safe, and secure
because they now know the TRUTH.
retold from "People in Quandaries" by professor Wendall Johnson semantics
guru 1947 yes 50 years ago, do we ever learn. So much for tacit learning
and adaption.
"Richard C. Holloway" wrote:
> Gavin,
> you've captured much of my "feeling" on this point in your response. I
> watched a movie I saw several years ago...that brings this
> out quite well. It's titled, "The Gods Must Be Crazy." It offers a
> humorous and thoughtful look at us (humanity) through the eyes of a
> Bushman, "modern" native Africans, and Europeans. The "Truth" is
> captured in the title.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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