para-noing LO25183

From: Judy Tal (
Date: 08/23/00

Replying to LO25172 --

>I was thinking of pMEETq as the whole diamond (boolean diamond for a
>special case of p, q) with each lattice point specifying a possible form
>of meeting. I have had some fun in thinking through the diamond with the
>use of the walking stick pMARRYq.

I also like the structure of the Weeping Boolean Diamond , but rather look
at it as a template: it stands for pMEETforPURPOSEq, and pMARRYq (the
"walking stick") will stand for a particular instance.

The diamond is organized in five rows, each of which can be identified as
a "level" or "phase" or "degree" of MEETING (it is organized by the total
number of Ts). I can see a pattern of development along this structure
(flowing downwards) similar to other four/five step circular (and
double-circular) models I saw.


>Thinking seems to start to make funny noises. May be a workshop should
>take care of them - and they should not only check the evident points!

THINKING (the only action we take here - aloud (and allowed)), seems to
attract the attention of many ... i'll go and look up pTHINKq to check for
hidden points ;-).

Shalom to All,

Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294


Judy Tal <>

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