Replying to LO25176 --
In discussing belief and truth, Judy says a lot I agree with, until:
> >Is mathematics the truth
> Definitely. This is so only because of the nature of
> mathematics - no big
> deal: mathematical theories are NOT dealing with our Reality.
> Mathematicians invent their own (abstract and formal)
> reality - it has
> much to do with our Reality in practice, but little to do
> with the TRUTH
> that is be-coming by our deeds. Mathematics is be-coming too.
Mathematics is a derivative of language. Language is based on perception,
experience. It evolved as a theory in use, out of a need to communicate
certain facts about the local perceptions of the multiverse. Like space
and time, it is based on the limited perceptual capabilities of the human
animal. I believe there are things out there that are not within my
perceptual range, whether or not my belief is true or false, it is first
and formost, a belief. Truth, on the other hand is a statement of belief.
If I tell you something that I believe is true, then, for me it is, even
if fact goes against it, even if science and logic prove it not true. If
I tell you something I believe is false in order to sway you to believe it
is true, then it is false for me, whether or not.....
But that's just me. Wrapped in lanuage, buried under an eternal poem in
which mathematics and language are the one suchness played on a pan pipe.
John F. Zavacki <> <>
"People are entitled to joy in their work and a sense of ownership."
W. Edwards Deming
--"John Zavacki" <>
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