Evident Points, Hidden Points LO25216

From: Judy Tal (judyt@netvision.net.il)
Date: 08/27/00

Replying to LO25187 --

Shalom dear Andrew,

Thank you for your enlightening description (although you choose a large
canvas this time, I'm happy to realize how I always have plenty of room
for your drawings - besides, you are painting with my favorite colors ;-))

I would love to "dive" into a detailed inter-disciplinary discussion about
Turing: A. Turing the person and the epoch, as well as Turing Machine,
Turing Test and the Halting Problem, but it will have to wait untill late
September, when I intend to return to "life as usual" (will take-off at
the first week in September).

you wrote:
>Finally, if you said to me, "Andrew, I will never want or wish to be an
>artist, so what is the value to me and my company of producing what may
>seem 'silly' drawings..Ś?"

Well, you could have never heard this from me. I'm not an artist, but I do
"silly"-draw myself. Moreover, in organizations that consult with me, I
always make people "silly"-draw. This is enabled mainly because some of
the employee used to belong as graduate students to the same organizations
where I happened to be, at that time, staff ... reason enough to allow me
some benefit of doubt (which is needed when introducing this kind of

>I would respond, "To remind you whenever you need the reminding that you
>are essentially free, and your freedom resides in choosing not to repeat
>yourself and that we can each and all create unending new truths among
>ourselves and in that we are all ultimately Truth Machines."

... I'll remember your words when "locked" in the corner ;-)


Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294


Judy Tal <judyt@netvision.net.il>

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