Hello Gerrit and Shalom to all LOers,
Gerrit, you recommended the book "The Consultant's Calling" by G. M.
Bellman, which I read and found amusingly practical for a beginner like
me. However, the title of the book is reason enough to raise a question
that might be of interest to many, independent of even having heard about
this book.
My attention was driven by the noun "CALLING" (not the verb!), and when I
looked it up in the Chambers dictionary of synonyms I found: business,
career, employment, job, trade, pursuit, profession, work ... etc. and
ALSO: field, line, mission, occupation, and vocation.
Obviously, any occupation undertaken by a person, reflects evident as well
as hidden points of this person's personality. Much has been written about
the "import" and "export" of behavioral patterns and beliefs from one
system to another (the most interesting work IMHO was published by Miller
and Rice in their Socio-Technical model), and about the correspondence
(co-relation, co-existence, etc) between task and sentient boundaries.
This lightens another aspect of metanoia-organizing, and the level of
complexity it involves. So now, while I'm preparing for summer vacation
with my family, I wonder how much of my new vocation can be left home ...
Warm regards,
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <judyt@netvision.net.il>
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