Replying to LO25197 --
Hi Jo
I think you are talking about an NLP study that was done some years ago.
The easiest way to find out is ask Robert Dilts and NLP founder he might
know. Robert Dilts <>. I had some chats with him some time
ago about the origins of NLP, he seemed very approachable.
"Engtech Industries Inc." wrote:
> I am looking for any information on "reminiscent learning." The only
> information I have is that a study was supposedly done on basketball
> players. The players were said to be divided into three groups: the first
> group were told to stand in front of the net and repeatedly shoot baskets;
> the second group were told to go sit at home and relax while reminiscing
> about how they successfully made their shots fall into the net - over and
> over again; the third group was to just carry on with whatever they wanted
> to do (excluding basketball). The outcome suggests that the "reminiscent"
> group faired almost as well as the group that practiced.
> Does anyone know of such a study - is there such a theory of learning?
> Any direction on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jo
> --
> "Engtech Industries Inc." <>
--Gavin Ritz <>
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