Dear Fellow LO List Members:
I've subscribed to/lurked on the list for a long time. I've benefited from
your wisdom and insights and would appreciate your help on a very specific
matter. I'm teaching a course in storytelling in organizations at DePaul
University this fall. Among other things it will look at how
organizations use stories intentionally and informally within the company.
Some areas of use include:
* Training (eg. successes that sales people pass on; examples of dealing
with irate customers)
* Orienting new employees (the human, verbal version of the policy manual,
how things are "really" done)
* Establishing future direction (vision) (the story of what the future will
be like when we accomplish the changes, or employee's reactions to such
* Strategic planning (scenarios)
* Problem solving
* Maintaining the culture (founder stories)
* Blowing off steam (humor, complaining etc.)
I am looking for examples of such stories from "real life organizations"
to make the class more interesting. If you are willing to share a story or
two that would be great. Let me know if I may attribute it or if you would
prefer it be anonymous. Some story starters are:
* Tell about an incident that was widely discussed among you and your
* Tell about something that made you sad/angry/concerned/proud etc
* Tell about the "characters" in the organization
* Tell about special days or functions
* Tell about and incident that sums up to you what it means to be part of
your organization
Thanks in advance for your help!! Please let me know if you have questions.
Paula T. Bartholome
"The greatest problem with communication is the illusion it has been
---George Bernard Shaw
--"Paula Bartholome" <>
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