Replying to LO25213 --
Hi Judy
Judy Tal wrote:
> Shalom Gevin,
> Thanks for repeating your reply. A large batch of mails disappeared from
> my In-mail box, among them yours and a few other's - I just found them all
> in the LO archive.
> I'm quite familiar with all the ideas you brought up - with some of your
> ideas I agree. However, I used the term TRUTH in a special context, that
> appeared in At's contribution and was connected to Propositional Calculus
> and truth-values - I didn't mention THE TRUTH (whatever meaning THIS may
> have) but TRUTH, and I truly appreciate how by an interpolation (of the
> innocent word "the") you managed to create such a hyper-correction.
> And please do not worry too much - I take care to separate my being from
> my comments and vice versa - Just like you, I see what I want to see.
I wouldn't say that I am too concerned because we all do what we have to
Well it seems that I might have misunderstood your commnets and those of
However there seemed like a lot of truthing going on.
Yes I am pretty familar with truth tables and I suppose it is really a
lousy term for them. Easy to confuse terminolgy.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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