Replying to LO25221 --
Shalom Gevin,
Thanks for your reply, and I agree with this:
>However there seemed like a lot of truthing going on.
Your brief contribution about Cybernetics is more than interesting.
Unfortunately I know little in this field. If my memory doesn't fool me,
Cybernetics is based on a formal systematic structure where terms like
"truth" and "feedback" are defined. Moreover, if my memory doesn't mislead
me, I recall reading about conventions that seemed to me deja vu, like:
Shroedinger and Uncertainty or Goedel and Incompleteness.
I would be glad to learn more. Can you please offer some reference? Or
write a few more lines?
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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