Effects of Diversification on Culture LO25240

From: Richard Seel (richard@richard-seel.demon.co.uk)
Date: 08/29/00

Replying to LO25230 --

Udy David-Adjah writes about diversification,

>The question now is, how will these changes affect the culture of the
>company? Will it affect their attitudes, values and the way they do
>things? If the diversification will affect these things, how? Positively
>or negatively. Another question arising from this is whether the effects
>on the culture can be controlled or managed. Whose responsibility will
>that be and for what purpose?

In my experience, external events can affect culture but their impact can
be surprisingly small. Perhaps more often, the impact of external change
is dissipated on the rock of the existing culture - which can rarely be
"controlled or managed".

But then I see culture as an emergent result of all the conversations and
negotiations which people have in an organisation. My guess would be that
if the diversification offers the opportunity for different conversations,
brings diversity of people, ideas, values and meanings then the culture
will change. If not, then the changes may be superficial and temporary.

Yet this aspect of change is so often ignored - without the space and
encouragement to have different conversations little is likely to change.

Best wishes,


Richard Seel

New Paradigm Consulting
Organisation Consultancy & Development

Seabrink, Beach Road, Bacton Green, Norfolk NR12 0EP, UK.
+44 (0)1692 650 706


Richard Seel <richard@richard-seel.demon.co.uk>

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