Replying to LO25228 --
Winfried wrote:
>Richard Seel started his invitation with:
>> Complexity and chaos seem to be prevalent on the list at present - I mean
>> the topics, of course!
>That you mean only the topics and 'of course' is sheer politeness, isn't
>it? And I think it's ok this way. At least much better than what I face
>at office these days: 'simplify this, simplify that'. It drives me crazy.
The desire to simply the complex is often an attempt to reduce anxiety, in
the workplace or in life in general. And yet, one of the things we learn
from the Santa Fe approach to complexity is that there is often a
simplicity existing at the heart of complexity.
Cellular automata such as John Conway's Life or Chris Langton's Ants or
the small set of simple rules approach pioneered by Craig Reynolds' Boids
all show that complex and very surprising outcomes can result from very
simple causes.
In my work I sometimes encourage people to look for such simple causes and
discover new insights into the complexity facing them.
Best wishes,
Richard Seel
New Paradigm Consulting
Organisation Consultancy & Development
Seabrink, Beach Road, Bacton Green, Norfolk NR12 0EP, UK.
+44 (0)1692 650 706
--Richard Seel <>
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