Research in meeting support tools LO25229

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 08/28/00

Replying to LO25202 --

Hello John,

You asked us to answer some questions on (the use of) collaborative tools.
As an inventor, designer and user of methods and tools for meetings i felt
i had to comply. I'm curious for the results of the study, especially for
the improvements in communicating and commitment of people through the use
of these tools. What are the best ways to use the tools?

Kind regards

Jan Lelie

John Rogers wrote:

> I apologize if any find this post to be off topic; I am trying to direct
> it only towards groups that are most likely to find value in what we are
> offering. If meetings are an important part of your work, we believe you
> will find this study to be a very valuable way to spend 15 minutes. Thank
> you for considering our request.

Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan)
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