Research in meeting support tools LO25202

From: John Rogers (
Date: 08/25/00


I am asking for your help with a professional research project to explore
the techniques, processes and technologies people find useful for
conducting meetings. The study is sponsored by developers of meeting
support software and services and the results will be used to help them
plan their next generation of products.

We are interested in learning from anyone who initiates and/or leads
meetings as part of their work. This includes managers, and team leaders,
professional facilitators, and anyone else who hold meetings as a way of
getting their own and their team's work done. Participation involves
completing a short on-line survey (about 15 minutes). The survey is
posted at our web site,

All participants will receive a copy of an Executive Summary of the survey
that will review the highlights of our findings and explore their
implications. In addition, Collaborative Strategies LLC is offering one
of its recent reports as a prize in a drawing of participants (either
"Distributed Project Management: A Marketplace and Software Vendor
Analysis" or one of the three volumes of the just-completed "Real Time
Collaboration Industry Report 2000"). These comprehensive reports (priced
at $1,500) are described in detail on our web site. I would be happy to
answer any questions about the survey (see contact information below).

I apologize if any find this post to be off topic; I am trying to direct
it only towards groups that are most likely to find value in what we are
offering. If meetings are an important part of your work, we believe you
will find this study to be a very valuable way to spend 15 minutes. Thank
you for considering our request.


John Rogers

John D. Rogers, Ph.D. (415) 282-9197 Main Office
Research Analyst (510) 215-0932 Home Office
Collaborative Strategies LLC (415) 550-8556 fax
1470 DeHaro St.
San Francisco, CA 94107


John Rogers <>

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