Cybernetics LO25233

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 08/29/00

Replying to LO25225 --

Hi Barry

Interesting site, I could not tell if the process is a methodology or
model or both. It did mention Russell Ackoff though who has some
interesting ideas and models. (Re-creating the corporation one of his many
good books). Known as the hard approach. But really a methodology.

Peter Checkland uses what he calls a soft systems methodology which is
just that a methodology. (a good one actually)

You can look at my web site on systems thinking if you like, I explain
complexity (managerial) in terms of SST, motivation (algedonic signals)
and EKS. I am working on combining all these theories plus VSM to come up
with a complexity approach that covers complexity of information,
motivation, structure and across a number of different complexity levels
appropriate to human organizations.

I am also working on a TENSEGRITY approach which is about how
interconnections are under constant tension and compression (the model I
use for algedonic signals is a tension approach).

I have shared on other threads how one can measure personal, societal and
organization motives using variables that are under tension, plus having a
feedback loop that takes care of at least two levels of complexity.

Systems thinking is a one level of complexity approach useful up to five
years time horizon outlook.

One of the keys to check a models total complexity out is to see how it
deals with recursivity and time plus all the feedback loops etc. (not time
across the loop but perpendicular to loop)


Barry Mallis wrote:

> If no one yet has mentioned it, I wish to observe that one manifestation
> of what you describe is causal loop diagramming. In the area of
> application to actual business environments (which is where I practice
> OD), causal loops are being used extensively, as many know.
> One such use is in a program called "Managing Problem Complexity," one of
> four modules in a program entitled "Mastering Business Complexity," and
> offered by the Center for Quality of Management (CQM), whose headquarters
> are in Cambridge, MA (


Gavin Ritz <>

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