Replying to LO25222 --
Hi Andrew wrote:
> Gavin Ritz proposes,
> > Invariant means unchanging) i.e. the sun rise every day is an invariant
> > factor.
> Unless the self proposed "one" happens to live in certain places within
> the Arctic or Antarctic circles in which either (upper;-)case....the
> 'invariant' is not so 'visible';-) anymore.
Yes very good point, also not so invariant if living on Alpa Centauri. I
mentioned this very point in my dialogue with Judy.
> "He found the Archimedean point, but he used it against himself; it seems
> that he was permitted to find it only under this condition." Gavin, do
> you know who wrote that?
No I don't but sounds how we seem to live our blissful self centered
lives. By the 99% rule. We think of ourselves 99% of the time and 1% of
all others.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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