Replying to LO25237 --
I wish you luck in your pursuits and cannot comment on them because I am
not a high tech sort of person, but rather high touch, thus i cannot
imagine resolving conflicts and so-on through an "intelligent" machine.
Bright blessings,
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 15:27:33 +0430 Shaya Zeighami <>
> Dear Sajeela,
> Thanks a lot for your attention. I am developing models that are
> mainlyrelated to Machine Learning and intelligent software design.
Sajeela Moskowitz Ramsey, President - CORE Consulting
Center for Organizational Renewal and Effectiveness
2432 Villanova Drive/Vienna, VA. 22180
703 573 7050/ SajeelaCore
--Sajeela M ramsey <>
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