Replying to LO24624 --
Dear Sajeela,
Thanks a lot for your attention. I am developing models that are
mainlyrelated to Machine Learning and intelligent software design. The
models should define mechanisms for learning in organizations as entities.
I did not found any research that focuses in "software tools" that would
play the role of learning in an org. Typically, some focus in human
learning theories as viewing OL as sum of learning done by personnel; some
focus in KM and intelligent tools.
But I think about tools replacing some managerial roles in Orgs. What if
an intelligent tool can monitor the strategies of a firm? What if it
resolves the conflicts arising in planned operations and groups' actions?
The big question in my mind is how to model and formulate OL that
facilitates design and development of learning agents(that are software
Sincerely Yours,
Shaya Zeighami
--Shaya Zeighami <>
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