If you could ask anything.. LO25261

From: GDBurch@aol.com
Date: 08/31/00

Dear LO friends:

My organization works with small and medium sized manufacturers throughout
our state (Virginia, US), improving their competitiveness through a
variety of strategy and systems interventions. We are paid consultants,
but our primary mission and measure of success is economic development
(job creation, capital investment, profitability). Our manufacturing base
is extremely diverse (textiles to fiber-optics, public and private, 25 to
500 people, traditional to highly advanced).

We are planning to ad a polling feature to our web site which will allow
us to ask questions of our manufacturing community, collect their
responses over a period of time (one week), and report the results back to
them. We are thinking of asking a different question each week, rotating
the topic between various business practices (eCommerce, Marketing and
Sales, Manufacturing Systems, Strategic Planning, Organizational
Development, People Systems, Communications, etc. etc. etc.)

I have this wonderful opportunity to design and ask these organizations
about their practices, and I want to make it as productive as possible.
>From a Learning Organization perspective - if you could ask this group of
manufacturers anything you want - what would you ask?

I will gladly report back the responses of any question ideas I receive
from the list.

Thanks to you all - I don't generally say much, but you have all been a
constant reading companion for some 4 years now.

Gerald D. Burch
VPMEP, PO Box 73, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
540 568 8787 (work), 540 568 8786 (fax), 540 476 1730 (cell)
gdburch@aol.com, http://www.vpmep.org, http://burch.homepage.com

"The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." ~Alvin Toffler~



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