Evaluating Market Potential LO25309

From: Barry Mallis (theorgtrainer@earthlink.net)
Date: 09/02/00

Replying to LO25276 --


The Center for Quality of Management has a two-day module, part of a four
module program, on the topic of "Creating Business Alignment." This final
module in the eight day total program provides a defined approach for
building alignment between technology and market opportunities, long-term
strategy and operational activities required to support a specific
business cycle plan. Alignment between opportunities, strategies, and
execution is a fundamental hallmark of good management. This approach is
referred to by its acronym, SCORE (there are at least two uses extant for
this acronym, but I'll briefly define its sense as used here):

Sense opportunities--which are available?
Check alignment--which will we consider?
Operationalize the opportunity--can we respond?
Resource commitment decision--will we respond?
Execute--how do we follow through?

Obtain more information from CQM's web site at www.cqm.org. By the way,
there is a chapter of the CQM in Germany (email: CQM_Germany@cqm.org) and
in Finland (CQM_Finland@cqm.org).

Best regards,
Barry Mallis

The Organizational Trainer


Barry Mallis <theorgtrainer@earthlink.net>

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